Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Looking Back - Thoughts and Images of Tennessee

As a parent and chaperone, coming off of what were the busiest three weeks of my life, I was uncertain how to feel about the experience we were about to share, seven kids and five adults, all headed to Tennessee for a week of challenge and mayhem and whatever else the world might throw at us. I heard the rumors of what to expect, as if there were some way to accurately relate the fact that 15,000 kids were taking over the city of Knoxville for a week. What I discovered in Tennessee was nothing short of amazing, having the honor to accompany seven very intelligent, highly amusing human beings, all of whom are well on their way to becoming fully functioning adults. And the 18th place finish in the world is totally cool in its own right, figuring thousands of teams began this journey in October. It gives me hope to know that there is still light in this world, and that some kids do want to make it a better place. And it makes me inestimably proud to know that our school supports programs like Destination Imagination, giving me cause and reason to remain where we are with our school choice. I hope you enjoy these photographs, and can feel even just a small fraction of the hopefulness such programs like this inspire in the kids they benefit.

Craig and the Bogey Bandits

Here are some photos and videos for your to enjoy from our trip (be sure to scroll all the way down, we have a surprise for you that you won't want to miss):

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